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Part 7: Tavis Smiley on Black Celebrities Supporting Trump, Africans Selling Africans into Slavery
Part 5: Tavis Smiley: Kamala Harris is Not Going to Roll Donald Trump in a Debate
Part 1: Tavis Smiley on How President Joe Biden Kept His Word to Black Voters


Tavis Smiley shared his thoughts on Trump’s self-proclaimed title as the best president for Black people since Abraham Lincoln. Reflecting on a recent National Association for Black Journalists (NABJ) event, Smiley expressed disappointment with how the event unfolded. He pointed out that despite Trump's predictable behavior, the NABJ missed crucial opportunities by not having a Black male or a veteran journalist among the questioners, which he believes would have better challenged Trump’s claims. Smiley addressed the stark contrasts in how Black leaders present their identity, comparing Kamala Harris's open embrace of her heritage to Barack Obama’s more subtle approach during his campaign. He noted that for Harris, leaning into her identity might be a strategic necessity amidst criticisms.

Interview by: Shawn Prez
Check out his youtube channel at: