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Part 6: Big Tone on Someone Stealing Woodie's Headstone from Burial Site
Part 4: Big Tone on Woodie's Mysterious Death, Woodie's Alleged Guilt Over Friend's Murder Case
Part 1: Big Tone on Getting Jumped By Sureño Gang in 4th Grade, Sureños in Northern Cali


Big Tone discussed the controversial imprisonment of Woodie's friend, Snoop, who is serving a 120-year sentence for a murder he claims he didn't commit. The conversation highlighted the complex and often treacherous environment in which these individuals operated. Big Tone depicted Woodie as a loyal and giving person, willing to go to great lengths for his friends. A key part of the interview revolved around the alleged confession tape left by Woodie. While Big Tone had not seen the video, he mentioned that some people claimed it existed, although it might have been destroyed in the catastrophic fire or by other means. This potential exoneration, however, remains locked in a web of hearsay and lost evidence. Big Tone also touched on the harsh realities and ethical dilemmas of street life, emphasizing the importance of handling the consequences of one’s lifestyle choices while promoting a more positive, lawful path for others.