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Part 11: Michael Jai White: American Black Folks are Loud as Hell Compared to Africans
Part 1: Michael Jai White on Tearing His Achilles When He Got Jumped by Ninjas


Michael Jai White expressed his thoughts on the term "Foundational Black American" (FBA) and the divisive nature of the movement led by prominent figure Tariq Nasheed. White, who was unfamiliar with the term until the interview, voiced his concerns about the unnecessary division it creates among Black people of various descents. White dismissed the significance of FBA's premise, arguing that expending energy on such distinctions is counterproductive and "ridiculous." He highlighted that such debates often lack a meaningful endgame, questioning what is achieved by proving these points. White's underlying message was clear: efforts should focus on progress and unity rather than further segmentation of the Black community.