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Part 4: Bill Haney on Ryan Garcia Racist Rant, Alleged D*** Use: He's on Everything But Air & Water
Part 2: Bill Haney on Ryan Garcia Testing Positive for Ostarine, Explains How Ostarine is a PED
Part 1: Bill Haney on Jake Paul Being the Face of Boxing & Being Able to Get Mike Tyson in the Ring


Bill Haney, father and trainer of boxer Devin Haney, expressed his discontent after learning Ryan Garcia tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) following his fight with Devin. Bill had anticipated something unusual about Ryan's performance, having observed his career through various high-profile matches. The revelation of Garcia's doping left Bill feeling the sport suffered a "great injustice," particularly given the significance of the match between the two budding stars. The New York State Athletic Commission eventually overturned Garcia's victory, changing it to a no-contest, a decision Bill accepts yet remains firm in his belief that athletes caught using PEDs should face lifetime bans to set a strong deterrent. Bill also criticized Ryan’s lack of accountability during a live confrontation, suggesting Garcia's reluctance to sincerely acknowledge his wrongdoing undermines the integrity of boxing and misleads fans who continue to support him.