On Tuesday (January 21), Las Vegas Judge Carli Kierny upheld the murder charge against Duane "Keefe D" Davis for the 1996 shooting of rapper 2Pac.
Judge Kierny ruled that Davis had provided no proof of any immunity deals and that "the state of Nevada has never offered" him a deal. This comes after Davis' lawyer argued that he should've never been charged due to immunity agreements that Davis says he reached years ago with federal and local authorities.
Judge Kierny concluded that Davis was warned by his own attorney and a Las Vegas Metro Police cop about speaking in interviews about the night of the 1996 shooting. The judge added that Keefe D didn't help his case by revealing "additional information on own admission," which Kierny said Keefe D benefitted from the interviews monetarily.
Davis' murder trial is currently set to begin on March 17. He is due in court on February 11 for a status hearing.
Source: KTNV