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Part 21: 1090 Jake: If I Beat Up My Snitch Co-Defendant When I Saw Him I'd Get 20 Years
Part 19: 1090 Jake on Houston's Top Crashout, Guero10K, Who Killed 5 People in 4 Months
Part 1: 1090 Jake: ASAP Rocky Got a Sweet Plea Deal for His Gun Case, Facing 24 Years if Guilty
1090 Jake opens up about his tumultuous past and the process of accepting responsibility for his actions. The conversation touches on themes of accountability and personal growth, as Jake recounts his early feelings of animosity towards his co-defendant who cooperated against him in court. Initially, Jake admits to harboring thoughts of revenge—not only towards his co-defendant but also extending irrationally to the man's family. However, as time passed, Jake came to terms with his own role in the events that led to his imprisonment. This realization fostered a sense of peace and responsibility. During a chance encounter with his former co-defendant at a restaurant, Jake was surprised by the re-emergence of past emotions but chose to leave rather than reignite old animosities.