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Part 11: Dr Steven Greer on "Jellyfish Alien" & New Jersey Drones
Part 1: Dr. Steven Greer on Meeting with Trump's Task Force to Declassify UFO Data
Dr. Steven Greer offered his insights on Elon Musk's declarations regarding extraterrestrial life. Despite Musk's regular involvement in space explorations, he has consistently stated that he hasn't observed any evidence of aliens or UFOs. Dr. Greer points out that simply launching spacecraft doesn't guarantee personal encounters with such phenomena, much like not all airline pilots witness UFOs despite flying frequently. Interestingly, Dr. Greer hinted at a pilot present in the room who allegedly had seen UFOs, underscoring the mixed encounters individuals might have. Addressing Musk directly, Dr. Greer advised that public figures should refrain from commenting on topics they aren't fully versed in or risk either spreading misinformation or being viewed as dishonest.
For more on Dr. Steven Greer, visit: