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Part 3: Nicholas Irving on How China Would Use Tech to Make Americans Turn on Each Other
Part 1: Nicholas Irving on Trump's Tariffs on China, Canada & Mexico; Republicans vs. Democrats


Military veteran Nicholas Irving shared stark insights on the potential consequences of a U.S. confrontation with China. Discussing the potential of a U.S.-China war, Irving emphasized the futility and dangers of such a conflict. He warned that China’s advanced technology, particularly in cyber warfare, could effectively cripple U.S. infrastructure without firing a single shot, plunging America back to the "Stone Age." Highlighting China's military prowess, Irving expressed concerns about the readiness of the current U.S. military, citing issues like obesity and lack of combat experience among troops. He reflected on the shift in military mindset over the years, noting that many of today’s soldiers are less battle-ready compared to those who served during intense combat periods in Iraq.

Interview by: Shawn Prez
Check out his youtube channel at: