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Part 4: Nicholas Irving: Army Rangers' Job was Just to Kill, We Came from Broken Homes & Hated Life
Part 2: Ex-Army Ranger Nicholas Irving on Why China Would "Crush" the U.S. in a War
Part 1: Nicholas Irving on Trump's Tariffs on China, Canada & Mexico; Republicans vs. Democrats


Nicholas Irving discussed the potential dynamics of a hypothetical war between the U.S. and China, highlighting the unexpected role of technology. While many envision such conflicts involving nuclear or missile strikes, Irving pointed out that it would likely begin as a technological warfare. He cited China's established proficiency in hacking, potentially causing internal disruptions without direct conflict. These cyber tactics could destabilize the U.S. from within, making citizens turn against one another. Irving argued that traditional warfare with bombs and nukes would come much later. He emphasized China's cohesive societal structure, contrasting it with the often divided American populace. This internal division could be exploited in a conflict scenario, allowing China to potentially win without direct confrontation.

Interview by: Shawn Prez
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