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Part 15: Dr Steven Greer Denies Taking Drugs to See Interdimensional Aliens
Part 1: Dr. Steven Greer on Meeting with Trump's Task Force to Declassify UFO Data
Dr. Steven Greer discussed the dangers of cult-like beliefs surrounding alien encounters, referencing the infamous Heaven's Gate cult incident in 1997, which ended in mass suicide. Greer emphasized his opposition to cults, noting that while he holds large training events on extraterrestrial contact, they should not be construed as cult activities. He insists on empowering individuals through education and personal experience rather than fostering blind devotion. Greer recounted communicating with Tony Robbins and underlined his desire to teach rather than lead a following. Additionally, he shared a story about a Croatian truck driver who independently made contact with a UFO, supporting his belief that anyone can achieve similar experiences. Over 30 years, Greer has spent over $20 million -- much of it his own money -- to support research and whistleblower testimonies, highlighting the challenges of gaining support for authentic exploration without resorting to sensationalism or easy profit.
For more on Dr. Steven Greer, visit: