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Part 4: Aries Spears Tells Rolling Stone to "Go F*** Themselves" for Dissing Michael Jackson Song
Part 2: Aries Spears Tells Vlad He Has No Game & Women Only Attracted to His Money
Part 1: Aries Spears: LeBron's a Hypocrite for Confronting Stephen A Smith, Bronny Stinks!


Comedian Aries Spears spoke frankly about his views on Hollywood's recent portrayal of female action stars and certain casting choices. He took issue with Queen Latifah's role as an action hero in "The Equalizer," describing a scene where she supposedly beats multiple men with a scarf. Spears, openly admitting his chauvinistic tendencies, suggested that certain physical film attributes like intense fight scenes should be male-dominated. He questioned the realism of women beating up larger male opponents, which he finds far-fetched.

Spears also criticized the appearance of Kim Kardashian on "Saturday Night Live," arguing that hosting duties should be reserved for those with comedic talent. He questioned Kardashian's famous status, attributing her fame primarily to an early controversy and her family's reality TV show. Spears lamented that reputable platforms seek viral moments at the expense of genuine talent. He linked the trend to performances by non-comedic figures like Elon Musk on the same show, expressing his disappointment in the shift away from traditional comedic excellence.