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Part 3: Aries Spears: I'm Mad at Kim Kardashian Showing Up on SNL, She Has No Talent!
Part 1: Aries Spears: LeBron's a Hypocrite for Confronting Stephen A Smith, Bronny Stinks!


DJ Vlad and comedian Aries Spears discussed Rolling Stone's controversial decision to label Michael Jackson's "The Lady in My Life" as one of his weaker tracks, suggesting that "Thriller" would have been stronger with eight rather than nine songs. While Vlad admitted he saw some merit in that critique, Spears disagreed emphatically, recognizing the vocal quality of the track despite its lack of standout popularity. The conversation took a broader turn as they addressed public perceptions of musical icons posthumously, referencing how figures like Jackson are often idealized or scrutinized too harshly after their passing. A segment of the discussion also touched on Beyoncé's status relative to Jackson, with Spears dismissing claims that she surpasses the King of Pop. They acknowledged Beyoncé's incredible talent but emphasized Jackson's unmatched global impact and legacy. Spears also placed well-known voices like Whitney Houston and Aretha Franklin above Beyoncé, noting different levels of vocal prowess and influence.