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Part 6: Reggie Wright Jr: Bad Boy Reached Out to Me to Do Security for the Night Biggie Got Killed
Part 4: Reggie Wright on Keefe D Cooperation Paperwork Stating Diddy Killed 2Pac & Suge Killed BIG
Part 1: DJ Vlad Asks Reggie Wright Jr: Why Did You Kill 2Pac?
Reggie Wright Jr. delves into why Keefe D's proffer agreement may not shield him from imprisonment. Recently, the courts appointed a private investigator with 100 hours to examine Keefe D’s case, possibly extending the timeframe later. Wright underscores his belief in justice by advocating for a thorough examination of the case rather than jumping to conclusions. He remarks that Keefe D might have to feign insanity to escape some repercussions, given numerous public statements and book deals that could be used against him in court.
Wright notes the distinction between a proffer agreement, typically structured to protect a suspect’s testimony from being used against them, and Keefe D's statements to the Las Vegas PD without such protection. Considering past interviews from 2008 and 2009, confusion over these statements without a formal proffer could lead to appellate issues. Despite Keefe D’s two separate interviews with the Vegas PD, the D.A. and judge maintain that Greg Kading had no authority to offer a proffer on behalf of a Vegas case. Wright concludes that these legal nuances might become pivotal during appeals, emphasizing his perspective as a former law enforcement officer rather than a legal expert.