Recently, Occupy Wall Street protesters decided to take the fight to the fat cats, and they marched to the homes of the super rich living on the Upper East Side of NYC.

News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch, conservative billionaire David Koch, financier Howard Milstein, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and hedge fund titan John Paulson were among the targets.

"Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the Legislature are about to give this man and his billionaire friends a $5 billion tax cut," the crowd of several hundred chanted at each address.

"We are the 99% and we are here to say no more tax cuts for the billionaires while we cut schoolteachers, firefighters and cops."

None of the moguls were home, it seemed.

"Nobody comes to the door, not even the doormen. They won't even open the doors," mourned Rex Stewart of the Niagara Organizing Alliance for Hope, who was carrying one of the oversize stunt checks.

No one really expected any of the targeted fat cats to make an appearance. That wasn't the point.

"This is the best that street theater could possibly be," said Stuart Chen-Hayes, a CUNY professor.

"To be able to go up to the door of a man like Rupert Murdoch, who has single-handedly been responsible for challenging democracy in Australia, Britain and the US - it's one of the most powerful things I've ever done."
